A 中北书院 互动媒体 student working on a project.





The field of media and communications has grown exponentially over the past few years. With emerging technologies and trends in social media affecting the way we communicate, 这并不令人惊讶 的想法 of media is becoming much more tangible than it once was.

So, 什么是媒体研究 and how does 互动媒体 fit into this equation? 

Interactive media is a broad term that covers a variety of art forms and career paths. Despite some overlap with graphic design and 计算机科学学士学位, 互动媒体 is a unique field with plenty to offer for prospective students.

If you’re interested in learning more about this exciting career path, read on for everything you need to know about 互动媒体.


If you’re reading this article, you probably have one question in mind: “What is 互动媒体?” 简短的回答是:很多事情! 

Interactive media is the name given to any method of communication that depends on a user’s (or multiple users’) input. This information can be transmitted a number of ways, from a streaming menu to a digital art installation. 

基本上, any form of media that responds to a user’s actions will fall under the broad and innovative umbrella of 互动媒体.


There are many different degree paths students can pursue for a career in 互动媒体.

While some students are captivated by specific elements of 互动媒体—such as game design, digital art or software development—others prefer to study the field through a wider lens, by focusing on 互动媒体 as a whole. 

一次彻底的 互动媒体节目, 比如在立博在线体育的那个, will cover a variety of relevant subjects within this field. Core courses for an 互动媒体 degree may include:

  • 网页设计
  • 数字时代的全球媒体
  • 数字媒体写作
  • 视频制作
  • 数字音频概论
  • 摄影
  • 动画


As previously stated, 互动媒体 is made up of many different branches. Those who complete their degree in this field may go on to work in a myriad of different career paths. 下面是一些最常见的 互动媒体职业:


While the concept of virtual reality has existed for decades, the 互动媒体 design and technology it requires has only become accessible in the past few years. Interactive media graduates may go on to advance this modern form of communication through the development of:

  • 虚拟现实视频游戏
  • 虚拟现实电影和电视
  • Virtual reality headsets and other equipment 
  • 兼容的虚拟现实软件
  • 虚拟现实数字艺术



Mobile applications are perhaps the most common form of 互动媒体 in 2021. The interface, actions and purpose of mobile apps heavily relies on this unique type of technology.

Interactive media graduates may go on to invent or improve the following elements of mobile applications:

  • 新的移动应用程序开发
  • 移动应用调试
  • 更新立博在线体育今天使用的移动应用程序
  • Redesigning mobile app interfaces and functions


Popular and commonly used for more than three decades, websites are some of the most established and reliable forms of 互动媒体 currently available. Every clickable aspect of a website's interface relies on the principles of interactive design and technology. 研究生s of an 互动媒体节目 may go on to work in web and user interface design, 工作头衔如下:

  • 互动媒体设计师 
  • 网页设计师
  • 软件工程师
  • 网络分析
  • 前端开发人员
  • UI (User Interface) or UX (User Experience) designer
  • 内容策略


Video games are some of the best examples of technological complexity and creative potential among the 互动媒体. 电子游戏的每一个元素, 从故事结构到控制, 依赖于互动媒体的一个方面. 研究生s from an 互动媒体节目 may go on to perform the following jobs:

  • 电子游戏美术设计
  • Programming or improving the technological aspects of video games
  • 为电子游戏开发故事


Many people don’t realize that movies and TV are often a form of 互动媒体, as well. 例如, streaming services like Netflix and Hulu rely on interactive technology for features such as:

  • 浏览内容
  • 快进
  • 跳过演职员表序列
  • 开发一个算法来决定该看什么

一些特许经营, 比如Netflix热播剧《立博在线体育》,” have even developed interactive storylines where the viewer decides what happens next. These innovations would not be possible without the help of professionals trained in 互动媒体.


The first step toward a successful career in 互动媒体? 获得合适的学位.

Interactive media graduates will gain the valuable technical, artistic and programming skills needed to pursue a career in this field. 学生应该找一个综合的 互动媒体节目 比如在立博在线体育的那个. 

在中北部, 互动媒体 students will study a wide scope of technology and design skills, learn how to use industry-standard software, and gain hands-on practice for their portfolios and resumes. 从正确的角度开始你的事业, and request more information about the 互动媒体节目 at 中北书院 today!



R,迪尔. (2021年2月23日). 互动媒体. Investopedia. 


中北书院. (2019). 互动媒体研究芝加哥,伊利诺伊州


史派西J. (2017年9月7日). 12种互动媒体. Simplicable. 
