



While we most commonly associate school with learning "hard skills" like math 和 science, it's also an incubator for "soft skills" like compassion 和 integrity. These attributes (among many others) are the building blocks of character development--arguably one of the most formative aspects of education.

通过培养这些积极的品质, 学生 和 educators alike can integrate character development into classrooms of all levels--from preschool to higher education. 帮助你实现个人成长 你的 课堂上,立博在线体育将讨论五个核心发展战略.


The teaching of character development refers to educating a student on "core ethical values such as respect, 正义, 公民美德与公民意识, 以及对自己和他人的责任” U.S. 教育部. There are numerous ways to look at these values as they appear in the classroom, but the 朱比利性格中心 & 美德, a research center for character development, helpfully separates the concept into four categories:

  • 知识美德--These attributes promote critical thinking 和 a quest for underst和ing. Think of character traits like autonomy, curiosity, resourcefulness, 和 reflection.
  • 道德美德——这些特征以伦理为中心. This might encompass traits like honesty, integrity, compassion, 和 respect. 
  • 公民道德--These qualities make someone an engaged, contributing member of society. Consider traits that are rooted in community awareness, civility, 和 neighborliness.
  • 性能值--These virtues help us carry out those in the other three categories. They may manifest in the form of motivation, confidence, teamwork, or perseverance. 


学生可以在他们的个人生活中受益于这些美德 和 职业生涯, 和 their underst和ing of these ideas begins with in-school character development. 那么,如何在课堂上培养学生的性格呢?

There are numerous ways to introduce these vital skills to 学生 of all ages; here, 立博在线体育将涉及一些最常见的方法.

1. 做一个榜样

也许最重要的是,老师需要以身作则. 学生--especially at a young age--will often copy the traits they see in their educator. When you act as a positive role model by exemplifying virtuous characteristics, you provide a consistent blueprint for younger 学生 to replicate.

教高年级学生时, leading by example is less about hoping for imitation 和 more about practicing what you preach. 如果你教了一个关于尊重的课程,但却没有表现出尊重, 你在传递道德美德的复杂信号. 

Ultimately, 你的 responsibility is to demonstrate that character development applies to 每一个人. You can achieve this goal by pointing to other role models within the community or celebrating 学生 who display these positive traits.

2. 促进目标设定

As an intangible quality, personal change can be difficult to measure. Instead of expecting 学生 to work toward some nebulous objective, 一起起草一套具体的目标. 下面是一些例子:

  • 我要去上戏剧课来建立自信.
  • I will volunteer in my community for 10 hours every month as a way to do good for others.
  • 我会每天写日记,鼓励更深层次的自我反省. 

By setting realistic character development goals as a class at the beginning of the year 和 revisiting them regularly, 你可以帮助学生评估他们的进步, 根据需要指导他们改变行为. 

3. 沟通清楚

确保每个人都在同一页上, set transparent expectations around character development at the beginning of the year. When 学生 exhibit positive character traits, congratulate 和 encourage them. Similarly, highlight opportunities where they could have demonstrated greater responsibility.

通过创造一个清晰沟通的环境, all parties can recognize where their character development is strong 和 where it can improve. And remember: healthy communication needs to move in both directions. Try creating an "open-door policy" that gives each student a chance to provide feedback. 

4. 鼓励志愿服务

As one of the primary examples of the "公民道德" pillar, volunteering is often overlooked. Community involvement is an excellent way for 学生 to make a difference 和 practice a wide range of character skills, 包括:

  • 公民身份
  • 同情
  • 感激之情
  • 弹性
  • 足智多谋
  • 服务

作为一名教育者, you can leverage 你的 connections to organize volunteering opportunities for 学生 in both 你的 local community 和 school community. 

5. 布置相关阅读

If the idea of teaching character development all by 你的self concerns you, 没关系,你不用一个人做. 事实上,即使你试过也做不到. Holistic character development requires input from multiple diverse perspectives. 

With that in mind, look for ways to incorporate growth-oriented literature into 你的 curriculum. Look for books 和 articles relevant to both the course 和 character development. Leaning on literary sources from diverse voices is a terrific way to eschew the one-size-fits-all approach to personal development. 


Character development is a critical skill for 学生 of all ages 和 concentrations. 而坚强的重要性 品格教育 被吹捧了几十年, some institutions are truly outst和ing when it comes to recognizing this need. Those are the schools you should look to for guidance 和 training. 

中北书院例如:. 学院 has partnered with the Kern Family Foundation to foster social, 情感, 以及员工的道德能力, 学生, 社区成员. Their joint mission is to inspire a new generation of 学生 to embrace curiosity 和 growth in all contexts. 

请求的信息 学习如何 品格发展计划 are one of the many ways 中北书院 creates a flourishing network of learners 和 leaders.


  • 你如何在课堂上鼓励性格发展?
  • What is the most important character trait for 学生 to develop?
  • 性格发展如何在课堂上帮助学生?
  • 性格发展如何帮助毕业后的学生?
  • 角色发展对你来说意味着什么? 



朱比利品格与美德中心. (2017) 学校品格教育的框架. 检索自2022年1月27日 http://www.jubileecentre.ac.uk/527/character-education/framework 

品格教育... 立博在线体育的共同责任. (2005年12月20日). U.S. 教育部. 检索自2022年1月27日 http://www2.ed.gov/admins/lead/character/brochure.html